Visionary Vantage


Designing a website and defining a brand identity for a project management consulting business.

Designing a website and defining a brand identity for a project management consulting business.

Designing a website and defining a brand identity for a project management consulting business.


UX Research, UI Design, Brand Strategy & Design

UX Research, UI Design, Brand Strategy & Design

UX Research, UI Design, Brand Strategy & Design

Kicking Things Off

My client was ready to expand her reach as an independent project management consultant and establish her new business, Visionary Vantage.

We organized a project kickoff meeting to discuss how a website might bring value to my client's business goals and to establish the scope of the project.

We determined that a website could help with the following:

My client was ready to expand her reach as an independent project management consultant and establish her new business, Visionary Vantage.

We organized a project kickoff meeting to discuss how a website might bring value to my client's business goals and to establish the scope of the project.

We determined that a website could help with the following:

My client was ready to expand her reach as an independent project management consultant and establish her new business, Visionary Vantage.

We organized a project kickoff meeting to discuss how a website might bring value to my client's business goals and to establish the scope of the project.

We determined that a website could help with the following:


Provide a way for new potential clients to inquire about services

Provide a way for new potential clients to inquire about services

Provide a way for new potential clients to inquire about services


Showcase skills and service offerings to a wider audience

Showcase skills and service offerings to a wider audience

Showcase skills and service offerings to a wider audience


Identify and highlight brand values and visuals

Identify and highlight brand values and visuals

Identify and highlight brand values and visuals

Competitive Research

To begin exploring what would be beneficial to include on the website, I looked at consultants and small consulting firms to see what they chose to highlight. 

Note: I chose not to disclose the names of these small businesses

To begin exploring what would be beneficial to include on the website, I looked at consultants and small consulting firms to see what they chose to highlight. 

Note: I chose not to disclose the names of these small businesses

To begin exploring what would be beneficial to include on the website, I looked at consultants and small consulting firms to see what they chose to highlight. 

Note: I chose not to disclose the names of these small businesses





  • Showcases projects on homepage

  • Breakdown of services with visuals & learn more option

  • Extensive list of clients

  • Showcases projects on homepage

  • Breakdown of services with visuals & learn more option

  • Extensive list of clients

  • Showcases projects on homepage

  • Breakdown of services with visuals & learn more option

  • Extensive list of clients




  • Risks v. benefits of adding specific expertise of team

  • Not clear how some sections on landing page differ

  • Risks v. benefits of adding specific expertise of team

  • Not clear how some sections on landing page differ





  • Organizational values are a major highlight of the page, including diverse leadership & team

  • Showcases projects and clients on homepage

  • Organizational values are a major highlight of the page, including diverse leadership & team

  • Showcases projects and clients on homepage

  • Organizational values are a major highlight of the page, including diverse leadership & team

  • Showcases projects and clients on homepage




  • They keep descriptions of their services broad. What are risks/benefits of this approach?

  • They keep descriptions of their services broad. What are risks/benefits of this approach?





  • Clearly stated mission, vision, and services offered

  • Detailed descriptions of team members' expertise

  • Clearly stated mission, vision, and services offered

  • Detailed descriptions of team members' expertise

  • Clearly stated mission, vision, and services offered

  • Detailed descriptions of team members' expertise




  • Everything on one page & selecting menu item navigates to that section on homepage

  • Nice to include links and publications--could be more clear who authored them

  • Everything on one page & selecting menu item navigates to that section on homepage

  • Nice to include links and publications--could be more clear who authored them

Insider Insights

In order to better understand the needs of my client's target audience, I conducted interviews with five people experienced in hiring consultants in their respective industries.

After analyzing the results of those conversations I discovered the following 4 themes in what my participants look for when deciding whether or not to hire a consultant:

In order to better understand the needs of my client's target audience, I conducted interviews with five people experienced in hiring consultants in their respective industries.

After analyzing the results of those conversations I discovered the following 4 themes in what my participants look for when deciding whether or not to hire a consultant:

In order to better understand the needs of my client's target audience, I conducted interviews with five people experienced in hiring consultants in their respective industries.

After analyzing the results of those conversations I discovered the following 4 themes in what my participants look for when deciding whether or not to hire a consultant:

Evidence of a consultant's expertise

Evidence of a consultant's expertise

Evidence of a consultant's expertise

Samples of the consultant's work

Samples of the consultant's work

Samples of the consultant's work

Values match those of the hiring company

Values match those of the hiring company

Values match those of the hiring company

Testimonials from satisfied clients

Testimonials from satisfied clients

Testimonials from satisfied clients

Content Strategy & Brand Building

Before I started designing, it was important to clearly understand my client's vision for her business. A large part of that process was helping my client establish a clear brand identity. By talking with her I was able to better understand what she offers her potential clients that is unique to her as well as the brand values that are important to her. 

Before I started designing, it was important to clearly understand my client's vision for her business. A large part of that process was helping my client establish a clear brand identity. By talking with her I was able to better understand what she offers her potential clients that is unique to her as well as the brand values that are important to her. 

Before I started designing, it was important to clearly understand my client's vision for her business. A large part of that process was helping my client establish a clear brand identity. By talking with her I was able to better understand what she offers her potential clients that is unique to her as well as the brand values that are important to her. 








Fresh Perspective

Fresh Perspective

Fresh Perspective
















After presenting a few style directions to my client, we went with a warm neutral with dark navy for the primary colors of the site and a bright coral as an accent. These selections fit the goal of giving the site a warm, professional tone. Typography selections convey friendliness and accessibility, which was a priority for my client.

I crafted a logo using two overlapping V's, making them asymmetrical to resemble a checkmark to represent my client's outcome-based brand value and commitment to both developing and achieving project goals.

After presenting a few style directions to my client, we went with a warm neutral with dark navy for the primary colors of the site and a bright coral as an accent. These selections fit the goal of giving the site a warm, professional tone. Typography selections convey friendliness and accessibility, which was a priority for my client.

I crafted a logo using two overlapping V's, making them asymmetrical to resemble a checkmark to represent my client's outcome-based brand value and commitment to both developing and achieving project goals.

After presenting a few style directions to my client, we went with a warm neutral with dark navy for the primary colors of the site and a bright coral as an accent. These selections fit the goal of giving the site a warm, professional tone. Typography selections convey friendliness and accessibility, which was a priority for my client.

I crafted a logo using two overlapping V's, making them asymmetrical to resemble a checkmark to represent my client's outcome-based brand value and commitment to both developing and achieving project goals.


I started by sketching a few different landing page options before I realized that I would need a better idea of the content before deciding on a layout. 

I started by sketching a few different landing page options before I realized that I would need a better idea of the content before deciding on a layout. 

I started by sketching a few different landing page options before I realized that I would need a better idea of the content before deciding on a layout. 

To get a better idea of the content, I used the information I collected from my user interviews and my conversations with my client about her vision and business values to create a mindmap

To get a better idea of the content, I used the information I collected from my user interviews and my conversations with my client about her vision and business values to create a mindmap. 

To get a better idea of the content, I used the information I collected from my user interviews and my conversations with my client about her vision and business values to create a mindmap. 

Pulling it All Together

I had all of the pieces ready and could now fit them all together into a responsive desktop and mobile design. I created a straightforward landing page to market my client's services with a primary call-to-action of completing the contact form, as well as an "About" page to showcase past projects and the mission and values of the business. Information about service offerings is more general for now, while my client continues to define her vision for her business and desired target audience. 

I had all of the pieces ready and could now fit them all together into a responsive desktop and mobile design. I created a straightforward landing page to market my client's services with a primary call-to-action of completing the contact form, as well as an "About" page to showcase past projects and the mission and values of the business. Information about service offerings is more general for now, while my client continues to define her vision for her business and desired target audience. 

I had all of the pieces ready and could now fit them all together into a responsive desktop and mobile design. I created a straightforward landing page to market my client's services with a primary call-to-action of completing the contact form, as well as an "About" page to showcase past projects and the mission and values of the business. Information about service offerings is more general for now, while my client continues to define her vision for her business and desired target audience. 


Working on the Visionary Vantage website and brand was a valuable experience. I was admittedly not well-versed in my client's type of work and she likewise was not initially familiar with what all my work on the project would involve. This led to a need for both of us to communicate our roles to each other in a way the other could clearly understand. For me this meant clearly outlining, and sometimes reiterating, the scope of the project.

I was grateful to be working with a client that was so open to communication and collaboration throughout the process. I had to find the balance between asking my client for her thoughts and trusting my own judgment when making decisions. I found that creating visuals and thinking through how to best communicate my design decisions with my client before our meetings was an invaluable part of this process.

Working on the Visionary Vantage website and brand was a valuable experience. I was admittedly not well-versed in my client's type of work and she likewise was not initially familiar with what all my work on the project would involve. This led to a need for both of us to communicate our roles to each other in a way the other could clearly understand. For me this meant clearly outlining, and sometimes reiterating, the scope of the project.

I was grateful to be working with a client that was so open to communication and collaboration throughout the process. I had to find the balance between asking my client for her thoughts and trusting my own judgment when making decisions. I found that creating visuals and thinking through how to best communicate my design decisions with my client before our meetings was an invaluable part of this process.

Working on the Visionary Vantage website and brand was a valuable experience. I was admittedly not well-versed in my client's type of work and she likewise was not initially familiar with what all my work on the project would involve. This led to a need for both of us to communicate our roles to each other in a way the other could clearly understand. For me this meant clearly outlining, and sometimes reiterating, the scope of the project.

I was grateful to be working with a client that was so open to communication and collaboration throughout the process. I had to find the balance between asking my client for her thoughts and trusting my own judgment when making decisions. I found that creating visuals and thinking through how to best communicate my design decisions with my client before our meetings was an invaluable part of this process.