
Designing a web app to make support for Insomnia symptoms easier to access.

My Role

Research planning and implementation, Information Architecture, UI Design, Branding, Usability Testing


August 2022 - November 2022, 12 weeks

Tools Used

Figma, Miro, Whimsical, Adobe Creative Suite, Optimal Workshop


Health & Well-Being, Sleep

We all want a good night's rest.

But for some, it's easier said than done. The goal of designing Restful was to better understand how people think about their sleep concerns and conceptualize a better way to access support.


Investigating Sleep

34.8% of adults don't get
enough sleep*

*fewer than the recommended 7 hours a night on average.

Data and Statistics | Sleep and Sleep Disorders | CDC

1 out of 10 adults suffer from chronic Insomnia*

*Insomnia that occurs at least 3 nights a week for 3 months or longer

Common Sleep Disorders |

Interviewing the night owls, light sleepers, and midnight snackers

Sleep is a broad and complex topic, so I recruited participants who identified as generally having a sleep concern hoping I would identify common themes to help me begin to narrow my target audience. I interviewed seven people, exploring four key areas: ​

01 Beliefs about sleep
02 Identified sleep problems
03 Overall sleep patterns
04 Attempts to solve sleep problems

Interview Insights:

Participants strive for a restful period of sleep that fits their schedule, but struggle with a wide variety of sleep issues that are hard to change.

Participants tend to believe they have a fixed, natural tendency toward certain sleep patterns (e.g. being a night owl or a morning person).

Participants were more likely to rely on their own research and efforts to improve sleep compared with asking a healthcare provider.


Defining Restful

The experiences of my interview participants varied widely, but the concerns that each of them described fell into the category of Insomnia and included difficulties with either falling asleep or staying asleep.

I decided to target Insomnia symptoms and after some additional desk research regarding effective treatments, began looking more seriously into a treatment model called Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Insomnia (CBT-Insomnia).

I wondered, what if Restful could bring expert support and resources to more people seeking relief from Insomnia symptoms using CBT-Insomnia as a framework?

User Journey


Organizing and Clarifying

I conducted an open card sort to gather information about where users might expect to find items, features, pages, etc. on the site. I used trends in my findings to inform Restful's structure, starting with a sitemap.



Building a Brand

Branding for Restful is focused on providing an experience that feels calming and friendly, but professional, in order to build trust and help users feel supported.


As a way to promote calm and easy viewing, I made the primary background color a dark indigo, with consideration to users who might be viewing first thing in the morning or before going to bed at night.

Sketching the Flow of Scheduling

One of Restful's most essential features is the ability to easily meet with a sleep professional, so it was important to nail down the flow of scheduling an appointment. I began sketching wireframes largely inspired by other popular date pickers I had seen and used before.

Try, Try Again

I determined that my initial idea to have a full calendar date picker (shown in the sketches above) would put an unnecessary burden on users to have to click into a day to see if there were any available times.

I wanted users to have more transparency and an easy time scheduling. so in my high-fidelity wireframes I tried out different variations of the scheduling flow.

Bringing It All Together

The following screens reflect the final design and flow.


I chose to explore sleep in this project because it is such a complex and interesting topic, with a lot of variation in individuals' experiences. During this project, I heard many stories from people who struggled with sleep in some way. These stories stayed with me throughout the process, and I knew that whatever I designed should take into account the feelings of frustration people felt about the limited amount of control they had over their sleep schedule and ultimately, their time in general. I would love to one day be able to further explore this idea for those needing an avenue to relief that can be accessed quickly and easily.

My Role

Research planning and implementation, Information Architecture, UI Design, Branding, Usability Testing


August 2022 - November 2022, 12 weeks

Tools Used

Figma, Miro, Whimsical, Adobe Creative Suite, Optimal Workshop


Health & Well-Being, Sleep

We all want a good night's rest.

But for some, it's easier said than done. The goal of designing Restful was to better understand how people think about their sleep concerns and conceptualize a better way to access support.


Investigating Sleep

34.8% of adults don't get
enough sleep*

*fewer than the recommended 7 hours a night on average.

Data and Statistics | Sleep and Sleep Disorders | CDC

1 out of 10 adults suffer from chronic Insomnia*

*Insomnia that occurs at least 3 nights a week for 3 months or longer

Common Sleep Disorders |

Interviewing the night owls, light sleepers, and midnight snackers

I interviewed seven people who identified as having a sleep concern. Together, we explored their: ​

01 Beliefs about sleep

02 Identified sleep problems

03 Overall sleep patterns

04 Attempts to solve sleep problems

Interview Insights:

Participants strive for a restful period of sleep that fits their schedule, but struggle with a wide variety of sleep issues that are hard to change.

Participants tend to believe they have a fixed, natural tendency toward certain sleep patterns (e.g. being a night owl or a morning person).

Participants were more likely to rely on their own research and efforts to improve sleep compared with asking a healthcare provider.


Defining Restful

The experiences of my interview participants varied widely, but the concerns that each of them described fell into the category of Insomnia and included difficulties with either falling asleep or staying asleep.

I decided to target Insomnia symptoms and after some additional desk research regarding effective treatments, began looking more seriously into a treatment model called Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Insomnia (CBT-Insomnia).

I wondered, what if Restful could bring expert support and resources to more people seeking relief from Insomnia symptoms using CBT-Insomnia as a framework?

User Journey


Organizing and Clarifying

I conducted an open card sort to gather information about where users might expect to find items, features, pages, etc. on the site. I used trends in my findings to inform Restful's structure, starting with a sitemap.



Building a Brand

Branding for Restful is focused on providing an experience that feels calming and friendly, but professional, in order to build trust and help users feel supported.


As a way to promote calm and easy viewing, I made the primary background color a dark indigo, with consideration to users who might be viewing first thing in the morning or before going to bed at night.

Sketching the Flow of Scheduling

One of Restful's most essential features is the ability to easily meet with a sleep professional, so it was important to nail down the flow of scheduling an appointment. I began sketching wireframes largely inspired by other popular date pickers I had seen and used before.

Try, Try Again

I determined that my initial idea to have a full calendar date picker (shown in the sketches above) would put an unnecessary burden on users to have to click into a day to see if there were any available times.

I wanted users to have more transparency and an easy time scheduling. so in my high-fidelity wireframes I tried out different variations of the scheduling flow.

Bringing It All Together

The following screens reflect the final design and flow.


I chose to explore sleep in this project because it is such a complex and interesting topic, with a lot of variation in individuals' experiences. During this project, I heard many stories from people who struggled with sleep in some way. These stories stayed with me throughout the process, and I knew that whatever I designed should take into account the feelings of frustration people felt about the limited amount of control they had over their sleep schedule and ultimately, their time in general. I would love to one day be able to further explore this idea for those needing an avenue to relief that can be accessed quickly and easily.

My Role

Research planning and implementation, Information Architecture, UI Design, Branding, Usability Testing


August 2022 - November 2022, 12 weeks

Tools Used

Figma, Miro, Whimsical, Adobe Creative Suite, Optimal Workshop


Health & Well-Being, Sleep

We all want a good night's rest.

But for some, it's easier said than done. The goal of designing Restful was to better understand how people think about their sleep concerns and conceptualize a better way to access support.


Investigating Sleep

34.8% of adults don't get
enough sleep*

*fewer than the recommended 7 hours a night on average.

Data and Statistics | Sleep and Sleep Disorders | CDC

1 out of 10 adults suffer from chronic Insomnia*

*Insomnia that occurs at least 3 nights a week for 3 months or longer

Common Sleep Disorders |

Interviewing the night owls, light sleepers, and midnight snackers

I interviewed seven people who identified as having a sleep concern. Together, we explored their: ​

01 Beliefs about sleep

02 Identified sleep problems

03 Overall sleep patterns

04 Attempts to solve sleep problems

Interview Insights:

Participants strive for a restful period of sleep that fits their schedule, but struggle with a wide variety of sleep issues that are hard to change.

Participants tend to believe they have a fixed, natural tendency toward certain sleep patterns (e.g. being a night owl or a morning person).

Participants were more likely to rely on their own research and efforts to improve sleep compared with asking a healthcare provider.


Defining Restful

The experiences of my interview participants varied widely, but the concerns that each of them described fell into the category of Insomnia and included difficulties with either falling asleep or staying asleep.

I decided to target Insomnia symptoms and after some additional desk research regarding effective treatments, began looking more seriously into a treatment model called Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Insomnia (CBT-Insomnia).

I wondered, what if Restful could bring expert support and resources to more people seeking relief from Insomnia symptoms using CBT-Insomnia as a framework?

User Journey


Organizing and Clarifying

I conducted an open card sort to gather information about where users might expect to find items, features, pages, etc. on the site. I used trends in my findings to inform Restful's structure, starting with a sitemap.



Building a Brand

Branding for Restful is focused on providing an experience that feels calming and friendly, but professional, in order to build trust and help users feel supported.


As a way to promote calm and easy viewing, I made the primary background color a dark indigo, with consideration to users who might be viewing first thing in the morning or before going to bed at night.

Sketching the Flow of Scheduling

One of Restful's most essential features is the ability to easily meet with a sleep professional, so it was important to nail down the flow of scheduling an appointment. I began sketching wireframes largely inspired by other popular date pickers I had seen and used before.

Try, Try Again

I determined that my initial idea to have a full calendar date picker (shown in the sketches above) would put an unnecessary burden on users to have to click into a day to see if there were any available times.

I wanted users to have more transparency and an easy time scheduling. so in my high-fidelity wireframes I tried out different variations of the scheduling flow.

Bringing It All Together

The following screens reflect the final design and flow.


I chose to explore sleep in this project because it is such a complex and interesting topic, with a lot of variation in individuals' experiences. During this project, I heard many stories from people who struggled with sleep in some way. These stories stayed with me throughout the process, and I knew that whatever I designed should take into account the feelings of frustration people felt about the limited amount of control they had over their sleep schedule and ultimately, their time in general. I would love to one day be able to further explore this idea for those needing an avenue to relief that can be accessed quickly and easily.